Complete your IAP2 Certificate in Public Participation with us!

IAP2's Fundamentals of Public Participation

Prerequisite for all courses on IAP2's Global Learning Pathway (GLP)

The focus of this course is on understanding and applying the practices of meaningful and effective P2 and what participants need to know to do this well. The training explores best practices, and how to design and apply this knowledge to your P2/engagement.

IAP2's Designing Public Participation

A GLP Core Course

By the end of Designing Public Participation, you will know how to design and plan a P2 process.

IAP2's Applying Methods

A GLP Core Course

By the end of Applying Methods, you will be introduced to a large number of P2 methods and have an opportunity running some of them.
Cover of Applying Methods manual

GLP Electives

IAP2's Understanding Conflict in Public Participation

By the end of Understanding Conflict in P2 and Engagement, you will have the skills to identify and mitigate situations of tension and conflict within P2 and Engagement work.
Cover of Understanding Conflict Manual

Workshops supporting the GLP

IAP2's Public Participation for Senior Leaders

This course looks at P2 and engagement from the perspective of those in leadership and decision-making roles. It will help leaders to understand their roles in building a positive culture of P2 and engagement that contributes to improved results and credibility.
Cover of Senior Leaders Manual

IAP2's Public Participation for Allied Professionals

This course explores the underpinning models and frameworks of P2 and engagement practice, specifically in terms of what it is, who is involved, standards of the practice, why it is important to be practiced ethically and effectively, and the unique and critical role that applied professionals serve.
Cover of P2 for Allied Professions manual